Friday, November 18, 2011

Reflection: Sharkwater

I've always thought that documentaries are boring but the documentary we saw in Bio class was amazing.  I have had shark fin soup as its considered to be "the best", and so the soup is always present for weddings and birthdays.  However, I don't think I can ever have shark fin soup without that heavy feeling.  As our population kills off sharks, it reminds me of humans overfishing.  We disrupt our ecosystem in a couple of years which takes decades to undo.  Sharks are on the top of the food chain, meaning that there aren't many to start with in the first place.  Sharks dominant the waters and without them, the entire marine ecosystem won't be balance.  I've thought about sharks to this extent.  I'm guilty of fearing sharks because they're big animals that have sharp teeth with scary stories being told about them.  Nonetheless, watching Rob swim with the sharks is truly amazing.  On the other hand, watching fishermen cut the sharks' fin off is cruel.  Like that bride who gave the analogy about someone cutting off her ear because it tastes good and leaving her to die, that analogy represents how mean we are.  Why would you throw back the shark without its fins?  It can't survive without its fins; it's animal cruelty.  It just seems to be that humans can't seem to get anything right.  We overfish, we endanger sharks, we don't distribute food evenly, we cause global warming; honestly, Earth would just be better without us.

Yet, we have an equal say in this and so we put up a fight against those who wish to participate in this billion dollar industry.  You should never make money out of someone/something's misery; it's not right or moral.  Before this movie, I had never really understood what was happening in regards to the fins but after watching it, I can't ever look at fins the same way.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Clothespins and Muscle Fatigue

1.  As I progressed through each trial, my strength began to decline from the repetitious motion.  The more trials that I went through, my finger couldn't keep up to the previous amount of squeezes.

2.By the end of the trails, my finger was cramping and feeling funny whenever I would try to do an extra squeeze.  In addition, my wrist had a funny sprain feeling to it.

3.  I think being distracted and concentrating on something else would allow me to get more squeezes.  I feel that with my mind focused on something else, my brain wouldn't be so focused on this one motion which would allow me to continue without feeling uncomfortable.  

4. My results between my dominant (right) hand and non-dominant (left) hand were different.  On average, my right hand was able to squeeze more times than my left.  They are different as actions are easily done with my right than my left seeing as right is that hand that I write with, hold chopsticks with, etc.  In a sense, my right hand has more "experience" and "exercise" to do this motion.  

5. After 10 minutes, your muscles are no longer tense and no longer feel that constant strain that you felt.  Basically, that ten minutes of rest are like a reset button.